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Eine Flasche hausgemachter Reinigungslösung nahm 123 Milliliter Zitronensaft. Wenn Antonia 324-Flaschen herstellen wollte, wie viele Milliliter Zitronensaft würde sie dann brauchen?
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Gemischt × Gemischt
Example Each full boxes weighs 4 12 lbs. If you have 3 full boxes and one box that is 13 full, how much would they weigh?
Gemischt × Fraktion
Example Each full boxes weighs 4 12 lbs. If you have a box that is 13 full, how much would it weigh?
Gemischt × Ganz
Example Each full boxes weighs 4 12 lbs. If you have 3 full boxes how much would they weigh?
Ganze × Fraktion
Example Each full boxes weighs 4 lbs. If you have a box that is 13 full, how much would it weigh?
Bruch × Bruch
Example Each full boxes weighs 12 of a pound. If you have a box that is 13 full, how much would it weigh?
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